Showing posts with label behavior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label behavior. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Whoda thought I'd be so happy to see my period? I'm so ready for this month. Bring it on!!! I am gonna tackle this infertility thing. Trish offered to vacuum the cobwebs out of my uterus and put up a "For Rent-9 Month Lease" sign. That is a true friend!

I'm going tomorrow for a baseline ultrasound. I also start Clomid tomorrow (again). Hot flashes and mood swings, here I come! And sometime Friday, my injections shall arrive. Wow. I still...I'm just amazed that this is all really happening. Really, it's in a good way though. When I woke up with cramps this morning, I told myself it's just a step. One more step in the whole process. I keep catching myself looking at baby & maternity stuff again. I'm trying not to, but I don't even think about it. I need to stop the madness!

In the meantime, we are trying to get as much done with the house as possible in the next week and a half. I am going to try to take it easy after the IUI. I know everyone says it doesn't matter, and I do look at all that I did when I was pregnant with Wyatt (Not that it was bad, but I definitely didn't stop EMS), I know that the human body is amazing and can tolerate a lot. But I am going to be hyper-careful. The first person to tell me that I'm being overly cautious will get a cup of coffee dumped on their head. (No, I will not be giving up coffee, however, in every other way I will be a docile, perfect expecting madre)

Wyatt's behavior lately....oy. Duct tape. I think I need to invest in some. Soon.