Monday, September 28, 2009

In Loving Memory

I sat in the dark this morning thinking about a year ago today. I never wake up to my phone when it's on vibrate. Well, about 1 am a year ago, I woke up to a text message that Trooper 2 (a MD State Police helicopter that also does medical transports) was missing. I will never forget how I thought it was a joke at first. This is a helicopter I have been on with patients time and time again. At that point I was wide awake. I walked out of my room at my brother's house, and he was awake feeding my nephew. I told him what I had heard. While he fed Mason, I looked on the internet to find that not only was it true, but they were carrying 2 patients and an EMS provider from the first station I was ever a member of. My heart sunk. I thought for sure it was someone I knew. Then reports came in that the wreckage...and 1 survivor were found. How she survived we will never know. She was one of the original patients of the car accident. We still didn't know who the provider was. We were worried about our younger brother, since he was a member of that station. We knew he wasn't on board, but we also knew he was most likely going through a terrible time. We found out who it was (suprisingly, noone I knew well...just in passing) The next few days just seem like a dream. I'd been on the helicopter once when it had a malfunction. Thank God it was a minor one.

My blog today is posted in memory of:
Trooper Fist Class Mickey Lippy
Pilot Steven Bunker
EMT Tonya Mallard
Patient Ashley Younger

May God watch over their families.

Trooper 2 Memorial Video (Click to watch)

Me sitting on the helicopter during a high school field trip (We took EMT as part of our high school curriculum)

1 comment:

  1. I will never forget that night either. I was supposed to be at the MICU that night for clinicals but passed it up to stay at my home station and ride. Another great example of some that gave all!!
