Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So, I'm fat, old, and barren

Well, I went to the Reproductive Endocrinologist yesterday. That was not fun.
Oh yes, I haven't really posted about trying to conceive. We've been trying for 11 cycles now. I really don't think about it much, other than when my period is due. Now though, all the fun is being drained out of it. I'm officially being treated for infertility. Kinda surreal.

These are the things the doctor told me we are going to initially look at:
  • Sperm antibodies (Totally a Randy thing...I'm not sure if that means his stuff attacks...well....his stuff, but I guess we will see)
  • Low progesterone for me (Which I think may very well be it...Would explain a lot of things going on)
  • My weight (What, fat people cant' have kids???)
The very kind doctor also told me that I'm too old for working out alone to help me lose weight. I have to portion control. Which is fine! I am not in denial about my weight issue. And, hey, what greater motivator do I need for weight loss other than having a baby?

I'm also, on my own, cutting out coffee. Slowly. For now, I'm down to 1 cup a day. Today's the first day, and it's still early, so we will see. And I'm really not doing that because of the caffeine. I put a lot of sugar and creamer in my coffee, so hopefully this way I will cut calories too.

Now, all this being said, the diet itself is waiting until Monday. Can't let it interfere with Girls' Night!!

Tomorrow is New Years Eve. Do I want to post my list of goals for the New Year? I will think about it and get back to you. You will find out tomorrow. Neener neener

1 comment:

  1. I was told the only way I was going to get pregnant was in no way going to be "natural means" also I have always been over 100 lbs overweight, and drink caffeine. So after that I laid in bed and cried. I did alot of crying out to God! He healed me, and proved not all doctors are right about everything! Hang in there! If He will answers my prayers He will anyones!!!!
