Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pure contentment

First of all, let me say....
Happy Birthday, Sean!!!
OK, now that that's been handled :)
As I'm sitting here typing this, I'm getting a preview of every Tuesday and Thursday for the next 2 months. It's 9:00pm, and sprawled out on my living room floor with blankets and pillows are my 4 year old, my 3 year old niece,and 1 year old nephew. Lights are out, Disney movie is on. Life is good. (Mind you, 20 minutes ago, 1 was in time out, 1 was complaining about having to get ready for bed...it's not always this good, but let me document it while it is) Normally this time of night, we'd be fighting with Wyatt about staying in his bed. But now, with 3 kiddos here, we're "forced" to spend some quiet time together. It's nice. Granted, Randy and I aren't into the movie, we're each on our laptops, but hey...we are spending time together as a family, and, I can only hope, getting a glimpse of our future. Right now it's not about what needs to be done tomorrow, who needs to go to the store, what needs to be done before the Open House, the dogs, the chores, but just...relaxing, with family. And really, what can be more important than that?

I think, and I'm saying it here and now for the blogging world (so hold me to it you annonymous readers!) that I'm going to declare a weekly "unplugged" day. One day, every week, we are going to unplug. No computers, no TV, just...us. Think we can do it? We shall see. We've already decided that once we move we won't be hooking up sattelite/cable in the living room at the new house. Yes, there will be a TV, but with a limit of 1 movie a day. We will still have satellite/DVR in our bedroom, for those few shows we just HAVE to watch. The primary show for both of us is 18 Kids And Counting. I have to say, Michelle Duggar is a wonderful inspiration. She keeps herself calm, I have NEVER seen her yell, she has tremendous faith, and those kids are the most well behaved children I've seen. Granted, we dont' know how they behave when the cameras stop rolling, but I don't think that's an act.

Anyway, I digress. Family really is the most important thing. I think we all need to take some time to sit back and remember that. Noone knows what tomorrow will bring, and don't we all want to be able to say that those we love won't ever have to question how we feel?

Speaking of which....(and this is NOT directed at my husband, for the record) Husbands, don't just tell your wives you love them. You have to show them. Make them feel pretty. Because they desesrve it. And your children desesrve to know what love is. Being a good parent is more than providing tangible things. It's also teaching your children what love and happiness is. And the best way to teach a child is to show them. Whatever it takes, show your child true love and happiness. Sometimes being a good parent means giving up the things other people see as sources of security in order to find that happiness. We are examples for our children, and we need to behave as such.
*Disclaimer...I am not advocating living in a cardboard box to "find yourself"....I am just saying to follow your heart. Everything else will fall into place

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