Saturday, January 9, 2010

The only thing constant is change

Good morning, bloggers! *Raises coffee cup in salute*

Well, if you are my friend on facebook, you've probably seen my status update. Yesterday, Randy and I made a pretty big decision. (Really, enough of those already!) We decided to cancel the contract on the house we were buying, and we are buying my brother's home. And honestly, when we decided that, we both breathed a HUGE sigh of relief.

I know I blogged before about following Dave Ramsey. I still want to do that. He has these GREAT baby steps for saving and getting out of debt. Well, when we buy Steve's house we will be....are you ready? TOTALLY debt free. We really talked about it...and....Did we want to buy an older farmhouse on a fairly large but very sloped acre that would need some work, and have a mortgage, or did we want to pay cash for a house that, while a bit small, is on 3 beautiful acres. Hello! McFly!!! So, the decision was made. Now, I'm still gonna follw Dave's savings plan. I really have no idea of the best ways to save money. So, I shall take the advice of experts.

I have so many plans for when we move. I almost feel like it's going to be a whole new life. I'm going to do monthly meal planning and shopping. Obviously, once a week I will still need to get milk, etc...But we are going to start buying meats and produce from local farmers. I've heard wonderful things about the quality of the meats when you buy like that. And with 3 acres, I have so many more homesteading options. (Bring on the jokes, Trish)

I got a lot accomplished yesterday, packing-wise. Craft room is done, and the kitchen's more done than it had been. I'd like to finish it this weekend (Aside from the pans and such I will use for the next few weeks) A good friend is keeping Wyatt tonight (Girls night...YAY!) and hopefully I can go through his toys some. I doubt it though. I predict laziness. Maybe I will pack upstairs some. That just seems....easier.

I'm still going to keep 2 of the girls I'm watching. It will motivate me to get to the gym (I will drop them off with their mom in the evenings, and that's right by the gym). The mornings will need to be ironed out...But I'm sure we can make it work.

I'm finally feeling excited about stuff. Until yesterday, I had felt so stressed and anxious about moving (some good, some not so good) Now, well, I just feel like I can take a deep breath. I had prayed about the right decision. And, really, now I know we've made the right one.


  1. Peace always comes with right decisions and the ability to breathe- I think you've found that! I am so happy for you! Looking forward to all the updates too!

  2. I think I'd pick 3 acres over 1 also, the house can be improved. Think of all the food you can grow and the room you'll have for animals! I'm glad you found peace about your decision!
