Sunday, February 6, 2011

Who tells you how to discipline your child?

Today marks the one year anniversary of a tragic death, that of Lydia Schatz, who died from kidney failure. She was beaten and abused, at the advice of Michael and Debi Pearl. They claim to do this biblicly based discipline. It's NOT discipline, it's torture. My heart absolutely breaks thinking about what this girl and her sister went through. You can read about it, and other Pearl heartbreaks here:

Stories like this make me wonder...what is wrong with us, as a society, that we'd rather listen to the media and "experts" than our own instincts? God gave us, especially mothers, these instincts for a reason. I know some moms who hear a child cry, and they desperately want to soothe their child, but don't, because "So and so says it will set them back". When does love set a child back? Why do parents/caregivers listen to some stranger rather than their heart? Personally, I'd rather my son grow up secure in knowing that I will love him no matter what, as Jesus loves me. How can abuse be considered Godly? How does someone justify beating their child, and then turn around and tell them that God doesn't punish us when we mess up, He loves us?

I am the expert of my child. No one else, certainly not some book or website.

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