Saturday, July 3, 2010

Blechy blech blech

Soooo..... Maybe it's the spaghetti. Maybe it was the Clomid. But I woke up at 2 am feeling insanely nauseated. It was awful! Maybe it was a combination of the spaghetti and Clomid (note to self, don't eat leftovers at work today)

So...I'm at work. And, I don't know what it is, but there is a furry/fuzzy thing in the hallway, just outside the women's bathroom door. I think it's dead. I may even think it was once alive (as opposed to being your garden variety dust bunny...LARGE garden variety dust bunny). But, I'm not getting close enough to find out. And, if we get a call, someone else HAS to go, because I can't save lives by myself, so that other person can dispose of the...thing. If I get close enough to see what it is, it will certainly spring to life and bite my nose. (You see, I am just THAT good at my job) It really is giving me the creeps. Someone make it go away!

Moving right's still there. I know it is. Where is my shift partner? He's a boy, he can come take care of it. This is the thanks I get for showing up to work over an hour early. I get greeted by...things... Ugh.

So anyway....back to moving along. This morning, on the way to work, I turned the radio off, and just talked to God. Can I tell you how good it felt? I thanked Him for all the amazing blessings He's given me. I look around, and I am SO lucky. I have so very much in the way of friends and love. The fact that someone who has never, and likely never will, meet me has put so much heart and love into helping me just humbles me. I thanked Him for that. I also thanked Him for my friends, and asked Him for help with a few friends having problems. I feel like, this morning, I really had a chance to pray for those people who are important in my life.

I need to go check on the....thing. If this is the last thing I type, send help!.................................OMG it's GONE!!! I am NEVER sleeping here AGAIN! I swear, it looked like a mouse that had been flatened. What, was it playing dead? It was fat too. What if it was a mommy mouse in labor, and now there are lots of little mouse-letts? Crap. I really want to cry. And I have flip flops on (my shift doesn't start til 6) so the thing/s can nibble on my toes! EWWWWWW

I am SUCH a girl. Although, that may be one of Randy's favorite things about me

1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing you found out shortly after this post that it was the bat? lol...just thinking about your day and your reaction makes me giggle. Although im sure it was entirely NOT funny to you. Hope you had a good rest of your day! I miss you, we should get together. Nick and I are moving to Carlisle soon, maybe you can come over to see our place once I beautify it :P
