Sunday, October 3, 2010


let me just say, PRAISE GOD it is finally cooling off! Bring on Fall, baby!

Well, yesterday I went in for my follicle scan. Now, keep in mind that not every follicle will create an egg. And, of course, not every egg will fertilize. That being said, I have FIVE follicles. That just brings a whole new level of fear. What if it still doesn't work? What if it does...too well? Once I get pregnant, what if the circlage doesn't work, especially if there's more than one? I know I can only do this one day at a time, and really, although it doesn't seem like it, I'm super relaxed. I just rely on God, and knwo that He has a plan. This has been an incredible lesson in patience. And, I have to admit, I have learned not to take pregnancy/infancy for granted.

Now, just waiting for Tuesday. Tonight I have to take an hcg trigger shot, then Tuesday morning we go in for the IUI!! Bring it on!!!

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you!!! Stick babies stick!
