Monday, July 11, 2011

I love having plans we have a plan. I love having a plan. I hate not knowing what's going on.

Went to the GYN today for my post op. I got to see pictures of my reproductive organs. They are so pretty and perfect.

My cervix is not so pretty. It's well, scarred. The GYN suspects that's why conception hasn't happened.

Randy and I talked some last night. We are definitely going to go back for another IUI. We will wait for September, for 2 reasons. The first...we will have insurance. The second...I really want to be under 200 pounds. I'm not there. I'm definitely closer to there than I was last time. But I want to BE there. I called the RE's office (Reproductive Endocrinologist) and I don't need to do anything other than call them the first day of my cycle when we are ready to start back, since it's been less than a year.

There are 2 things that need to happen before and during my next IUI cycle. The first, we need to do marital counseling. Now, we are in a Sunday Small Group (kinda like Sunday school) that's focused on marriage enrichment. I think if we can really follow that, it may help. I'm going to give it a month, and if I don't see an improvement, it's back to counselling, in addition to the class. But, if we do go the counselling route, it will continue while we are doing infertility treatments. I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back with our marriage before. I would be totally crushed, and hide it. Randy wouldn't tell me anything. My moods were all over the place. I need to make sure history doesn't repeat itself.

The second thing that needs to happen...I need to establish an exercise routine. Obviously, this is slightly delayed. But I don't want to start the treatments until I have one underway. I want to make sure my body is as healthy as possible.

In the meantime, I am charting. I just started yesterday. If you've never charted, here are the bare basics. You wake up, and before you do ANYTHING, you take your temperature. No run of the mill thermometer will work. You need a basal body thermometer. What makes it so special? It measures degrees in hundredths, so you get a more accurate result. You take said temperature FIRST thing in the morning. You don't even get out of bed first. Then you chart it, and your temp pattern (along with monitoring some bodily functions) tells you when you ovulate, and can even possibly indicate pregnancy. If this is something you want to consider, you can find this thermometer in the family planning aisle. Look for the pink and blue box with the happy couple. Also, be's not so easy to see teeny numbers in a teeny window, much less remember them pre-coffee.

Oh yeah. And I'm going to cut back on coffee. Yes, I only have one cup now, but it's a travel mug. One 6 oz cup a day. And now it's root beer or water. No other caffeine. However, I'm keeping my M&Ms. Remember? I'm making my marriage work. I need some caffeine, and chocolate. All things in moderation :)


  1. Having a plan feels so good! I like knowing what comes next. :) Good luck on your plans!

  2. A plan is good. I walked the infertility path for many years... It's no fun. Many hugs and prayers.
