Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Grumble mumbe urgh (In other words, good morning)

yawn streeeeeetch

Mornin' y'all. Goodness I am feeling it this morning. Of course that might have something to do with the fact that I was tossing and turning until Midnite (And yes, I know the time, because, um, there was a movie on my TV bedroom...I KNOW I KNOW) Then Wyatt came in my room at 2am. Of course, he didn't come in, lay down and go to sleep. Nooooo. He came in, cuddled his freezing piggies against my leg, and when I tried to scratch his back, he said it felt like snakes, like in his nightmare. Now, before y'all get all gooey and say "Oh, poor baby (Meaning Wyatt, not me)", let me just tell you this...My child knows how to manipulate people. He knew he was waking me up. He knows I'm a bear when such happens. He was pulling at my heartstrings! Not like he woke up screaming. But I cuddled him until he fell asleep. Then I laid awake. For. A. Long. Time.

On a totally different note....We went to my dad's for dinner last night. After dinner, my Dad and Wyatt played hide and seek in the house. Yeah yeah, fun fun....But then my dad hid with this really scary bear hat on. Wyatt knew he had the hat on, but was still scared. He was laughing though. (Oh my Bob, this is turning into a "Let's all get a good laugh out of my son's fears" post. Rest assured, Wyatt was laughing more than anyone else! Then Wyatt made me help him find the scary bear, who jumped out of a closet and scared us all. The way Wyatt's face lit up was priceless. After we said prayers last night, when I asked Wyatt what the best part of the day was, he said "Catching the bear at Granddaddy's. That was so fun, Mom! My family's the best".

Indeed, son. Indeed.

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