Friday, January 7, 2011

Oh good grief....

So this morning I woke up to the dog vomiting everywhere. I mean, I'll take that over the boy vomiting, but...I'd really much rather wake up to the rooster that hides in my cell phone that usually wakes me up. Could the boy sleep through the excitement? Of course not! This makes 4 mornings this week he's been up since before 5:30. Hide me. No, wait, don't do that...because that means someone, somewhere, will be counting to 10 before they seek.

So, yesterday...I was uber productive. I did day 1 of my Bible study. I jogged, I did arobics. Oh, and I hula hooped. It was all on the Wii, but it's gotta be better than playing Facebook games. And believe me, I was sore. Yay for a big bath tub. I would have walked laps around my yard, but that freezing rain kept me from doing that. (Finally! A reason for freezing rain) I also uploaded some photos and video from my dad's birthday party. See? Productivity. I am awesome. And modest.

Wyatt got his report card. Now, in Kindergarten, the grading system is different. S is Satisfactory, P basically means progressing toward year end goals, and N is Needs Improvement. I am happy to say Wyatt got all S's, except for 2 P's. And those were in Handwriting, which he had N's for last quarter. Go Wyatt!

The job hunt really isn't going anywhere for now. It's so frustrating. I've applied everywhere I can think of. Once I have a job, Randy is moving back to PA.

Which brings me to another point....Even though the separation is a mutual thing, and I'm the one who brought it up, I still have my doubts. It's so hard. But I know my doubts come from the fact that Randy and I really are friends. There's no bitterness, and I truly believe he feels the same way. Plus, I like my life. I like being a housewife and a room mom for Wyatt's class. But those aren't reasons to stay married, right? I just can't see the physical feelings I have for Randy changing at all. I'm completely happy now, when we are in separate bedrooms. But that's not a marriage. And I know that. I don't want Wyatt to think this is what love looks like. I really do wish we could make it work, but I at least know that we've really tried.

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