I really cannot believe Wyatt is 6 today. I am so proud of him. He's so smart, and he's such a sweet, thoughtful, kind little boy.
I remember how it felt when I realized he wasn't a baby and that he was a toddler. Now...man....He's really a KID.
He makes me laugh all the time. He's so funny. I can't even begin to imagine where I would be, or what my life would be like, without him.
It's been an interesting 6 years. I almost lost him, we almost lost me, we gained a "family", we've moved, we've become cat people, we've public schooled, private schooled, and homeschooled. We've pretty much figured out what he will be when he grows up. I wouldn't want to change a thing about the last 6 years.
I told him the other day that he was almost too big to sit in my lap. His answer? "That's ok, Mommy. When I'm too big to sit in your lap, you can sit in mine" God, I'm so blessed.
Happy birthday, Stink bug.

wow. . .cute little baby, , ,have he been seen a stink bugs?