Friday, October 23, 2009

Family Dynamics

So this morning my son informed me that he is the kitten's daddy. I'm down with that. Ok. So then he tells me I am the mommy. Well, this isn't WV, but hey...Then he tells me Randy is the Grandpa. Oy. Wyatt really is a cutie. And the kitten (Barnum...*his* kitten) loves Wyatt to pieces. He sleeps with Wyatt all night. Which Randy and I are grateful for...Otherwise there would be tantrums. Wyatt really does have a way with animals. It's so cute.

Sooo...the current thought process is that we are gonna hang out in our house for a couple of years, then find an old farmhouse with some land to fix up. We really went back and forth about fixing our house up the way we want it. That would involve adding a woodstove, changing some stuff in the kitchen, and, in general, making it have a more rustic feel. I do love our house, despite it's quirks, and think it has a lot of space. I wish we had more land, although I like living in a neighborhood (to a certain extent). I just want a home with personality. But then, why can't we give our house some? I think, with some effort and time, we can make our house more "us". It certainly needs paint almost everywhere. But, it is just so cookie cutter. Do we really want to put the blood, sweat, and tears into a house that isn't our dream home? But then, once we add to the family, do we really want to buy a fixer upper? Where will we find the time for that? Thoughts and comments are more than welcome! In the meantime, I just collect pics of decorating ideas I like, and see if it's something we can work with.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No new updates really

but, Trish is at work, so I know she will read this. Then I will get lectured for not writing anything.

I started watching a 2nd child yesterday. She just turned 5, so she and Wyatt will be in the same class. It was great! Autumn was a little sick, but she grew up so much over the weekend! She cooed almost all day. Such a sweet happy baby. Emily and Wyatt played together once Wyatt got home. Having Emily around makes things easier on me! Today we are going to paint birdhouses, I think.

I am a bad soccer mom. Practice is cancelled today, and I got way too excited about that. Guess I will have to keep my butt parked on the couch with BonBons!

I got my Tastefully Simple consultant kit. There's a lot in there, but I'm definitely excited about starting this new chapter of my life. And it came with goodies for us to eat....SCORE!

Last night was NOT a fun night. Wyatt was awake 3 hours past his bedtime. He had this heart that Randy's nieces had made for him, and he accidently broke it. He was absolutely sobbing, saying he broke Daddy's heart, and Daddy would be mad at him. We had to call Randy to reassure Wyatt. I was tired, so I wasn't patient with Wyatt AT ALL. Shockingly, Wyatt is still asleep. This boy is up at 6:30 every morning, and we are pushing 8:00. Ahhh...I do believe I hear the pitter patter of elephant feet upstairs. Hopefully today goes well. I cannot deal with the mood swings coming from that kid! One minute he's laughing, then he will literally collapse into a tantruming heap of conflagrational mess.

Ah well, Super Mom is off to start the day. And make more coffee. Speaking of which, I am expecting a coffee shipment. Where is it? I shall stalk the front door in anticipation of the Fed Ex man. German Chocolate Cake flavored coffee....Mmmmmm.....Where is it????

Monday, October 19, 2009

Taking back control of my days

Lots to blog about today. This weekend I went on my first scrapbooking retreat. It was so much fun to spend time with an old friend. And, as a bonus, I got my wedding AND honeymoon books done! I am so excited! Steph and I also decided to take a vacation this summer with both of our families.

How was the weather at the beach you ask? Well...A Nor'easter blew through. We had a first floor ocean front room right on the beach...well, where the beach used to be. It was all under water. I was just there 3 months ago, and the beach was HUGE. Not this weekend! And the waves were gigantic! But we didn't spend the whole weekend holed up in the hotel room. Naturally, we hit the outlets, and, when the weather was really bad...We went outside and took pictures. We literally got blown across the pool deck, then had to fight the wind on the way back in. But we had to get those pictures to scrap about it!

I really am glad I had the weekend to enjoy myself. It was nice to recharge.

Now, for my resolution. I've already blogged about having an unplugged day. I've noticed that some days I spend so much time on my computer that things seem to fall apart around my house. I am not proud of that. This morning I am trying something new. I woke up 2 hours earlier than I needed to be awake. I got done everything on the computer I needed to get done. That should leave me with half hour to just read. After that, the computer is not getting turned on for the rest of the day. 2 hours a day is more than enough. My home and family are more important than social networking.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Some days you just need to start over...

As I've blogged about before...Some mornings, especially when Randy is at work, Wyatt gets up about 5 minutes after me. This morning I didn't even get to finish brewing my coffee before I heard my junior elephant coming down the steps.

After some cuddle time, I went upstairs to take a shower. The DirecTV guy was coming to fix the TV (Some time between 8-12) and, of course, Autumn was coming over. Well, as I get out of the shower at about 7:40, I hear a deep and very grown up voice calling from my foyer "Ma'am?"

After yelling down that I'd be down in a minute, I grabbed the first clothes I could find, and, hair still in a towel, went downstairs to greet the TV man. (Really? Since when do they come EARLY) Then I sat Wyatt down to have the stranger danger talk with him. "But Mom, I DID know him! It's the TV fixer guy!" Did I mention that I haven't had coffee yet?

So I got dressed, Autumn got here, realized Wyatt needed something that starts with the letter D for show and tell. He's downstairs looking through the toybox when he starts screaming that there's a spider. Clearly, he doesn't know ANYTHING about his mother. I told him to step on it. I was not going down there. No way. He finally comes up, without the dog.. I had to go down and get it. In the basement. Where the spider was.

We finally get out the door at 8:26. Wyatt's school is 6 minutes away and starts at 8:30. Not a big deal, so we're a minute late. We can make it! Oh, no, there's a school bus. And look, it's stopping at every other house! Look at the lights flashing! And where is my travel mug of coffee? On the kitchen table.

But, I have TV now.

"We've lost the village"

So...On the surface, I am the stereotypical stay at home mom at this moment. The baby is sleeping in the swing, Wyatt is downstairs playing, and I am curled up in a recliner drinking coffee and watchign Dr. Phil. And, let me admit that I put off switching the laundry to watch it. All that's missing are my Bon Bons. Today's episode of Dr Phil is the eternal debate for moms...Does staying home really benefit the child socially, academically...etc.
I am not an expert. I know this time last year I was working...A LOT. I was very blessed to have a childcare provider who was amazing with Wyatt. She seemed more like a part of the family than "an employee"...And I always treasured her way more than someone would care about an employee.
But I digress.
Randy and I really talked about whether I should work. He wanted me to stay home, and I did too, but, honestly, I was scared. There are days that I just want to get out. I want something to do that's not all about Wyatt. Does that make me selfish? I LOVED my job, and that made it that much harder. There are definitely a few days I miss working. But for the first time in my son's life, I get to be the one to tuck him in every night.
I honestly think we've made the right decision for our family. And that's just it...It's a decision that each family needs to make. There is no one size fits all solution. Not these days anyway.
Hmmm...this really was kinda pointless. But I have been threatened if I don't blog more often. So here ya go Trish :-P

Monday, October 12, 2009


Ahhh...Here I sit, at 3:26 in the afternoon drinking coffee. Please don't think I won't be able to sleep tonight. I asure you, I will. I have been drinking coffee in the afternoon for the last week. At first, it's because it got a little chilly and I wanted a warm drink. Now? Well, if I don't have it, I'm afraid that my resulting mood will cause a conflagration.

I've started babysitting the sweetest little baby girl. Earning money really shouldnt' be so easy.

I spent half of this morning trying to explain to my son that, yes, it is a holiday and he doesn't have school. But, no, it's NOT Halloween. *Sigh* Then we had the conversation that Daddy still works on Holidays. Apparently more so than other days.

I miss "working". I miss the identity that I had wrapped up in being an EMT. I miss putting on my boots and my job shirt. I miss pushing buttons. I miss talking on the radio (Shocking, huh?) I miss helping people. I miss making a difference. I know I am, but in a different and so much better way, but...I dunno. Some days I feel so lost. I am so thankful for the opportunity to stay home. It's somethign I never thought I would have. I'm contemplating going back to school. I just want to be more than "Wyatt's Mom".

There is a princess stirring in the crib. I will write more tomorrow~

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Who says I'm bored


First of all, yesterday, Wyatt was in school, and I had 3 hours of peace and quiet. The dog was laying peacefully, leaving the cats alone. It was so nice. I actually missed the noise. Whoda thunkit?

This morning...not so much. It's like night and day. Dog's barking, cats are hissing, Wyatt is being the police officer trying to lock them all up (Sounds cute, but he's running through the house screaming with a siren) I am holed up in a closet. As long as noone knows to follow the cord to the computer I should be safe.

Now...Kitten names. I'm leaning more towards Barnum and Bailey. If this isn't a circus.....I don't know what is.

We have decided to take our house off the market. There are a bunch of reasons. We live in an awesome school district, Wyatt made a friend his own age yesterday, and I had a nice chat with the mom....And really, should we let one person w

ho had a snarky complaint chase us out of our house? We looked, and we just arent' going to find anything we will like as much as we do this house. Maybe when the market is better and we can get our money out of the house, but we would lose so much to sell it now. I like the location, I just wish we weren't in a neighborhood. But, now that Wyatt's older that's a good thing I guess. And this is the kind of neighborhood that you can tell your kid to come home when the porch lights come on. Wyatt knows his boundaries when he's riding his bike. And I have a craft room! Helllllooooo.....That alone is reason to stay :)

We also have a few other things in the works, but nothing I'm ready to divulge yet.

Mocha just ran behind the couch. She sounds like she's laughing. I guess I should check on that.

More coffee please!!!