Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day...More than just the start of Summer

Ahhh....the last Monday in May. A day for cookouts, the traditional opening of pools...Summer has begun. As kids play outside and you smell the charcoal heating, you can almost hear the jingle of the ice cream truck as it makes the rounds. Perfect, isn't it?

Remember....there are families who don't have a mom or dad at home to complete this idyllic scene. Because Mom or Dad is somewhere protecting our rights and freedoms. Mom or Dad is making sure that we can have days like this, that we can wear what we want, worship how we choose...

Even worse, there are families where Mom or Dad has died, defending these same rights, trying to secure these rights for others.

Everyday we should remember how quickly all this can be lost. And we should honor those who ensure that it isn't. How can we, as a nation, seem to have forgotten so quickly? Less than a decade ago we were brutally reminded that even we are not safe from fear, uncertainty, tragedy. As a country we seem to have lost that knowledge. People are protesting the war, saying it's being fought for the wrong reasons. In all honesty, I don't know about that, but I know this: Those troops, those brave men and women, are fighting for US. They are following orders and protecting their country as they are told. They are losing friends, sometimes family, chances to see children born, and putting their own lives at risk. As a country we need to support them.

When I was pregnant with Wyatt, I worked for a private ambulance company. One of the contracts we had was with Andrews AFB. When soldiers were flown home from Germany to go Walter Reed, we transported the most critical. I remember my first transport. The patient...he was on a vent, unconscious, and I remember looking at him and thinking he looked like a baby. He was only 19, I think. But at 19 years old, he was already braver than many grown men I know...including most firefighters. I remember driving on the beltway, my flashing lights all the brighter because it was nighttime, looking at the other cars wondering if they had any clue that they were so close to a true hero. It was an honor to be part of the team that cared for these people. An honor, but indeed, a sad one.

Please take more than a moment today to remember these brave men and women and their families. Not just the ones fighting now, but the ones who have fought in the past. They are the true superheroes. Take a minute today and every day to pray for them.

Here is a video we were shown in church yesterday. I know, it's not Veterans Day as the video says at the end...but there isn't one more appropriate

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Well, it's been almost a month....

I went out of town for a week to the beach. I went with a few girls. It was nice to get away, and I came home with a fresh perspective.

On one hand, there's a lot going on, but on the other, it's nothing notable.

Wyatt graduated PreK. I only got teary eyed once. When he got on the stage and said his line, it made me laugh so hard. He is such a bright, funny little man and I am truly blessed to call him my son. The other day I went into his room to remind him to get dressed. He was laying on his bed, with a book in his hand. I stood in the doorway and listened. He was reading! I get a little misty eyed writing this. I can't believe it.He's so smart. When I asked him to get dressed, he asked if he could finish reading his book first. Hmmm...procrastinating in order to read...Where might he get that from?

I'm still so on the fence about school next year. I'm not at all worried about the socialization. Between sports, chuch, and friends, he will have plenty of socialization. I have to confess, it's purely selfish. I want a break! I know there has to be a balance...a way to send him to public school and still raise a respectful, God loving little man. I know, I know...whatever decision I make isn't going to be the end all be all....but still.

What, you've had enough of my indecisiveness? Fine, fine. Onto other news. I started Weight Watchers. Again. In my first week, despite 2 "I want what I want so I'm not counting points" meals, I lost 2.5 pounds. Not too shabby. It really is a simple diet to follow. I can do this. And if I start to think I can''s my motivation. NO laughing! I bought 2 newborn size tshirts. One is hanging on the fridge, the other in the pantry. Here's the thing, I'm going to do this diet for the next month, then start Clomid, a fertility drug. It's pretty mild in comparison. I won't bore you with details. I will, of course, continue with the diet while I"m on Clomid (which will be 4 months) and then we will explore other fertility avenues if needed. Or, you know, maybe Wyatt will be an only child. If that's the plan God has in store for us, then that's how it will be. And you know, I am still a very lucky mom. I would never feel like I was settling with just one child livng with me. Wyatt is incredible.....

So let's see...what else is going on....I'm totally miserable at work. I am just so sick of the drama, and when I'm at work, I just think of all the things I could be doing at home. Next month, between our work schedules, there is no time for anything. I think we may have one day off together. Starting in July, I think I'm only going to work 10pm-6am. Then Wyatt will never know I'mnot here, and I can still get plenty done at home. We shall see.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Not a whole lot to say....

....but I promised to update daily.

We had a great time yesterday. It was nice just to spend family time together. I got some stuff accomplished in the yard, although not as much as I would have liked. But we were busy, so I guess that's ok.

I have a lot to get done this weekend. Randy and I are both working today, and he doesn't get off until tomorrow morning. Once I get done, I have to get Wyatt, then I think I will try to get some planting done. I really want to get a lot done in the yard this Spring. We are going to have a yearly project, and this year it's the yard. It may take us all Spring/Summer to complete what we want. And, of course, it will be an ongoing thing, but I want to at least get all the stuff established. There's a lot that needs to be mowed down too. I have a whole year to get this done, right? Next year, I think, will be egg hens.

With the taxes being how they are, we've decided to keep a mortgage on our house. Well, a home equity loan. It really made a difference! We've also decided that, beyond that, only one other debt. So, the next thing we will do is put in central air. Once that's paid off, we are going to get a camper. With both of us on shift work, there is just such a huge opportunity for us to go away for a day or two, and what better way than with the comforts of home?

Forgive me, but I must figure out my to do list, or it will never get done. So, you, my beauties, get to see all that I will get done this weekend: Finish (including putting away!!!) the laundry, clean up the yard, mow the stip where our driveway is supposed to be, move some plants around, plant other plants, clean up what they didn't take away for trash, hang pictures (I mean, we've been living there how long???) clean bathrooms, shampoo living room floor, organize bills, organize office, pick up stuff that's ready at Color Me Mine, return something to Kohls, order decals for my truck...aaaand...I think that's it. Coffee anyone? I may sleep in there somewhere. ANd, of course, church in the morning.

Now that I've tired myself out, I need to go pretend to do some work. And convince myself that I really don't want to cut my hair. Well, I do, but I need to convince myself that I shouldn't.