Monday, September 27, 2010


It's beginning to look a lot like Autumn! We are supposed to have temps in the 70s all week. WAHOO! I was starting to lose hope. :) Just in time for me to break out the decorations. Yay! I am excited. Fall is my favorite time of year.

I can't believe how well the house is coming together. It's amazing how a few coats of paint can really transform the look and feel of a room. I can't wait until we get the new floors in so I can post before and after pictures. I really am proud of the work Randy and I have done...and we're nowhere near finished, but it's such a huge transformation already! We're just focusing on the living room and kitchen/dining room right now, but those are the rooms we are in all the time, so it's what's important to us to get done first. The rest of the rooms really just need paint. Oh, and we do need to look into replacing the front door before winter. That isn't a super huge deal though. Really it's the screen door that needs to be replaced. The front door should be good as new with a coat of paint. (Leftover Kills paint from the kitchen...WOOT!)

So, we went to the beach Saturday. We had a lot of fun. Wyatt is such a beach baby. I got some shopping in (Not all for me! We got Christmas started) Randy and I want to try to go back and spend the night in a month or so to get some more Christmas shopping done. I'm actually behind. Usually by now I have a list made up of who is getting what. I'm a slacker!

We planned/booked a mini-vacay in December. Wyatt will miss 2 days of school, but I will get his work. We are going to Great Wolf in Williamsburg. It's perfect in timing, in that I will have just finished the 3rd IUI and will be needing the vacation if it hasn't worked. I have complete faith that it will, but just in case....If we don't get pregnant, or get pregnant with just one, we are going to get a camper. We found one for about 5000. With so much of our family so far away, I really think it's a great idea. And I'm ok taking one infant camping, but no more than that!! Besides, if we have more than one, I really want to trade the truck in for a minivan or a crossover. I don't want to deal with trying to get more than one baby UP into the truck. That thing makes me feel short!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Let's move along, shall we?

So I went in for my baseline ultrasound yesterday. My ovaries are clear, and I was given the go ahead to start Clomid. The ultrasound tech made a gasp noise as she was doing the U/S, and I asked her why. Turns out, my cervix is the smallest she's seen. She said I'd need a circlage. I told her I had been pretty sure I would, so there was no great surprise. I go back in Oct 2 for a Follicle Scan. There, they will see how many mature follicles I have. (Basically, they will estimate how many eggs I will release this cycle) Then they let me know when to do the trigger shot, and 36 hours later I will get pregnant, in theory. Randy can't go to the FS because Wyatt has soccer pictures. Ah well, that's not the one he needs to be at. And who really wants to see their wife's ovaries on a fuzzy black and white TV screen? I did realize yesterday that if I get pregnant this cycle, I will have a June baby. I feel that my odds just skyrocketed :) (I have been pregnant with 3 June babies) So that's what's going on there.

I woke up this morning to find my husband put not one, but TWO coats of paint on the kitchen walls last night. Wow. I can't believe he got so much done. I am spoiled :) Plus, I think he knows to just do what he can to keep me happy when I'm on Clomid. Imagine a lion in a cage at the zoo, and the zookeeper kind of throwing food through the bars. Yeah, that's us right now.

Wyatt's doing really well in soccer. He participates so much more this year than he did last year. School is going ok, this week so far he's had 3 "green faces" (for good behavior). He had one yellow, (or maybe it was red) but that's ok, we are focusing on the green ones. He does really well with reading. His handwriting is really where I see a huge need for improvement. We are working on it!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Whoda thought I'd be so happy to see my period? I'm so ready for this month. Bring it on!!! I am gonna tackle this infertility thing. Trish offered to vacuum the cobwebs out of my uterus and put up a "For Rent-9 Month Lease" sign. That is a true friend!

I'm going tomorrow for a baseline ultrasound. I also start Clomid tomorrow (again). Hot flashes and mood swings, here I come! And sometime Friday, my injections shall arrive. Wow. I still...I'm just amazed that this is all really happening. Really, it's in a good way though. When I woke up with cramps this morning, I told myself it's just a step. One more step in the whole process. I keep catching myself looking at baby & maternity stuff again. I'm trying not to, but I don't even think about it. I need to stop the madness!

In the meantime, we are trying to get as much done with the house as possible in the next week and a half. I am going to try to take it easy after the IUI. I know everyone says it doesn't matter, and I do look at all that I did when I was pregnant with Wyatt (Not that it was bad, but I definitely didn't stop EMS), I know that the human body is amazing and can tolerate a lot. But I am going to be hyper-careful. The first person to tell me that I'm being overly cautious will get a cup of coffee dumped on their head. (No, I will not be giving up coffee, however, in every other way I will be a docile, perfect expecting madre)

Wyatt's behavior lately....oy. Duct tape. I think I need to invest in some. Soon.

Monday, September 20, 2010

We had a special visit last night.....

...from the Tooth Fairy!

He was soooo funny. I thought he was handing me a booger, and I was getting ready to tell him to get a tissue when he said "Mommy! It's my tooth!" We were so excited!!!

Now, mind you, this is after bedtime on a Sunday night in the bible belt. Where is a Tooth Fairy to go to get a 5.00 bill? (The going rate for a lost tooth...but in this house, only the first time) NOTHING was open, so the good Fairy left a 2.00 bill. The bad part is that we don't want him to spend it, so I think The Bank of Mom and Dad will cash it in for quarters.

My house is SO cluttered! There is stuff everywhere. I refuse to stress about it. (Ommmm) It will all get put away. Everytime I start to get a little antsy, I will just picture a nursery or something. I really do need to start that Yoga.

Oh, yeah, this all means that Randy is here! They postponed the settlement AGAIN on Friday, but only for a few hours. So he got in about half hour before we had help show up on Saturday. And can I just tell you how humbled I was? There were a few people who showed up from the church I visited ONCE. And they all offered to come back if needed. The HUGE UHaul was unloaded in less than 2 hours. Those people are such wonderful blessings. It's what a church is supposed to be. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

TV shows belong in the toilet

I'm sitting here drinking coffee and watching Boy Meets World, which is the typical start to my morning. I was thinking about why I stay so attached to this show. I think, actually, it's because there really aren't any family friendly sitcoms. There's reality TV everywhere, and some of it is family friendly. But nothing like the good ones. Home Improvement, The Nanny, they all seem to be things of the past. Prime time TV is a joke.

Anyway, that's my rant for today, I suppose.

I am so excited!! Today is Friday, and that means that my husband will FINALLY be home, I will finally have all our stuff, and we can get settled. I can make this place a home. (Not to mention settlement is today, so I can go grocery shopping) Wyatt can't wait either :)

I can't wait for my period to start. Then I get to start the whole process for the IUI. I feel so positive about this. I really do. I'm fully prepared that it may not work the first cycle. But at least now I feel like I'm DOING something about the infertility. I did catch myself looking at baby stuff yesterday and planning a nursery. I try not to do that, because that just gets a little emotional.

Ah well, it's time to get my day going. Monster child needs to get to school.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ha! Further proof that men are wrong :)

Yesterday I had an appointment with my fertility doctor down here. I had in my mind the perfect scenario of what would happen...that she would run more tests and then we could start IUI (which, in a nutshell is artificial insemination, but with Randy's stuff...That just helps it get to where it needs to go). In reality, I knew she might not have my records from Hershey, and that she may very well take the view of my last Dr...that I should just be grateful for what I have.

I prayed the entire way to the appointment. (And it was an hour and a half drive...without getting lost. However, when you get lost it takes 2 hours and 10 minutes) I walked into her office and felt completely overwhelmed. It was HUGE, much larger than at Hershey, and she is the only Dr. Hershey's was shared among 4 or 5. I thought there was no way she was really going to listen to me and my concerns.

I went back and a nursing student took my vitals (and they were wrong). Then the medical assistant came in and asked all the same questions I had already answered. They were doing some surgical procedures, so Dr. Whitman-Ella was running just a little behind. Then she came in.

The first thing I noticed was how kind her eyes were. She went over my history with me (including the cervical surgery and subsequent severe blood loss) and reviewed our test results from Hershey Med. I expressed my concern about the cervial surgery and then braced myself for her opinion that it doesn't matter, the cervix plays such a small role in the pregnancy, blah blah blah. (Which is what Dr Dodson said, and what I've seen frequently on the internet) She looked at me and said she was convinced that was the problem, and that, assuming I was ok with it, we would start IUI next cycle. Those of you who know me can attest that the fact I was rendered speechless was pretty amazing. Dr Whitman asked what fertility enhancers I wanted. She agreed with me that something would be a good idea to increase the chances of it working by producing more eggs, and that it does increase the quality of the eggs. I told her whatever it was, I wanted it low dose, since I do produce eggs on my own. She agreed.

She got called into surgery at that point. But she took the time to explain the IUI protocol to me, and asked if I had any questions. At no point did I feel even a little rushed. I did ask her what could I do to increase the chances of the procedure working, aside from taking pre-natals. Then I waited for her to tell me that my weight was an issue (Remember...the other doctor said he didn't really want to touch me until I lost 20 pounds. I never went back on Weight Watchers) She looked at me and said to do accupuncture, then changed her mind because of the bleeding disorder, so she suggested Yoga. She basically just told me to relax. She said she saw no need for me to worry about losing weight; that while I'm not at the ideal weight, it's not enough to hinder my fertillity. I could have kissed her. Trish wants to bake a cake for her. This woman is so kind. Her assistant came in and reviewed the IUI protocol with me (Back on Clomid, oh joy).

I left the office in tears, I was so happy. I feel a huge sense of relief. I know I've been saying that I knew I would have another baby, but deep down, I was so terrified that I wouldn't be able to carry my own child. I have nothing against adoption (without it, who knows where Randy would be), but I really wanted to be pregnant again, and to experience being happy about the 2nd line. I hadn't realized how much hope I had lost until I had it back. I am so thankful that I found Dr Whitman. Who knew? All the research I did on Dr Dodson, and I hated him, but assumed his physician skills made up for his lack of bedside manner. I found Dr Whitman on the internet, and did little research beyond her certifications and success rates. I am so thankful that I've found her. She and her staff are so amazingly wonderful.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

There aren't words

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, For thou art with me- Psalm 23

May we never forget. Rest peacefully, Angie

Friday, September 10, 2010

Can't I just read fast?

So I'm at the library today. Every 3 days I'm in there returning books and checking out new ones (You can only check out 3 by the same author at a time, and I'm in a GREAT series) So the librarian says something about how I should finish the books before I bring them back.... I told her I do finish them. She says "Oh, do you just scan over them?" "Um, no, I read them" "You must have nothing to do" "Well, my house is clean, everyone stays taken care of, I just read fast" "You mean you speed read" "well, no, I absorb it all, I've just always been a fast reader" "You must not have a life" "Yes, I hve a very full one" "Do you watch TV?" "No" So then she smiles and says "I didn't think so" *sigh I mean, really, I just can't make this stuff up.

In the past week and a half, I have not slept more than 4 hours in any given night. If anything, I *might* doze off for about 10 minutes while Wyatt's in school, but it's not like I get a nap. I cut back on coffee. (I tried to totally cut it out....HA!) I only drink one cup a day, maybe 2, and never after noon. And I don't consume any other caffeine. I don't get it. I was drinking 2-4 cups, usually one around 3. I'm thinking maybe cutting back the caffeine may be why I can't sleep. I mean, I am left handed. I tend to do things backwards.

I can't wait to get back on Weight Watchers. I'm waiting until Randy is here and I do the major grocery shopping to switch. I felt so much better. And I'm definitely looking forward to the water yoga class 2 days a week. I just can't wait to have that relaxing time, and it can only make me feel better :) Heyyy...that should cancel out me not totally giving up coffee, right? I'm gonna say yes :)

I talked to one of the moms in Wyatt's class. She goes to the same church we do. She is so nice. I'm so excited. And this Sunday, Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages will be there. Woot!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Soooo not in Kansas anymore

I just dropped my dad off at the airport. Now, keep in mind that I grew up in the DC area. To me, and airport is not a's a complex. You have to choose one of 6 lanes to get to where you need to go. And you know that scene in National Lampoons where Clark says "Look kids...Parliment" over and over? That's what it's like with the terminal. Not so down here. If you don't pay attention, you miss THE turn into the airport. Thats right, kids. The one and only turn. There's one lane. I literally drove in one circle, stopping long enough to let my dad out in front of the terminal. (Yes, I put it in park and everything...I did more than just slow down and give him the boot) I didn't get lost even once trying to get in and out. I'm amazed. Last time I was at Regan National, it seemed like weeks before I figured out where I was going, with a couple of wrong turns along the way...and that wasn't even my first time there.

Wyatt's doing so much better with the schedule in the mornings. He's getting ready on time, with some to spare. Most of that was me figuring out what to allow and what to put my foot down on. He's supposed to have his first practice soccer practice tonight, but there's no coach, so I don't know if they are still going ot have it.

Randy left this morning for PA. There was an issue he needed to take care of, and he's just going to stay until settlement, which was changed from September 1 to Sept 17. This has been the most frustrating process. I'm so sick of calling people and changing things. I feel like that's all I'm doing. But, there is a reason for it all, and I'm trying to be patient. Easier said than done though.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I know, I know. I'm sorry!

I haven't written in about 2 weeks. I'm sorry! I'm a terrible blogger. We haven't settled on the house in PA yet (grrr) so we haven't been able to do some stuff down get internet. So for now I'm using Verizon Wireless for internet and it STINKS!

Wyatt has started his school (He's been going for 2 weeks now) He goes to Laurence Manning Academy, and he LOVES it. Homework...well, that he's not so thrilled with. I don't have the heart to tell him it gets harder than tracing and coloring. We've finally figured out our afternoon routine. When he gets home he gets half hour to do whatever, then he sits down to do homework. At first I was having him do homework right away, and that was NOT working. This new routine seems to work well. Let's hope it stays that way!

Mornings....ahhh....mornings are NOT easy in our house. Unless, of course, I want to sleep in. Then he's up at the crack of dawn. But on a school day, I have to drag him out of bed. I thought I had at least 10 years until I had to deal with this kinda stuff!

Wyatt has a loose tooth :) He's so cute, now every book that he checks out of the library is about loose teeth. They get to check out a book, bring it home, and once they read it to mom or dad, it goes back and a new one comes home. Apparently our library has a lot of books about loose teeth.

Wyatt's school's athletic logo is an orange paw. Wyatt now insists that we be fans of Clemson, since they have the same orange paw. *Sigh* He really is growing up so fast, but I didn't expect to have his college picked out already!

Randy is down here. Originally he wasn't going to be here until after settlement, but his last day of work came and went, and settlement didn't, he is :)

Alright, I must go nudge the boy. More like jump on his bed, since that's what it takes to wake him up.