Friday, November 20, 2009

Countdown to Thanksgiving

Every day for the next week, I am going to write about something I am thankful for. Today, I have to say....I am thankful for my wonderful family. Hearing a sweet little voice say "Mommy?" every morning from the top of the stairs fills my heart. Then he MUST cuddle for several minutes. I can only pray that it will last for a few more years. I'm so very very thankful that he's a healthy, active 4 year old boy. He may drive me nanners, but I love him for it.
The newest addition to "my" family....My husband. He has given me more than I could ever thank him for. I have a security that I had only imagined. He's shown me that I can trust people, and that there are "good guys" out there. Most importantly, he's given Wyatt the greatest gift ever...a dad. Randy loves that little boy unconditionally, and it shows to anyone who sees them together. I will forever love Randy for that, if nothing else.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Alright you impatient people....

I really haven't had much to write. Last weekend I visited some friends, and totally stayed out too late. I've been so tired all week...I was in bed at 7:45 last night!
Well, Randy and I have been talking...I really want to go back to EMS, even if it's just part time. So I have an interview with my old boss tomorrow. We shall see what happens. I'm still going to keep the kids. I would have to work my schedule around Randy's so one of us is home anyway for Wyatt, and Randy is ok with the daycare kids.
Our house is (back) on the market. We really want land. I'm ready to go bonkers. We found a house that we love, but it's not in the town we are in now, and we really want to stay here, if we stay in the area. So we are looking at a few comprable houses this weekend. I'm sure none of them will have the view of the house we've already fallen in love with. But, life is all about compromise.Right? Right? Agree with me here people!
I got to see my bestest friend this weekend. Nothing like some time with my Frish to really feel better. She really helps me to put a lot into perspective. I would be lost without her. Friends like her are so rare, and once you find one, you should hold onto him/her with all that you have.
My monkey is begging for a drink. I suppose I should give him one before he withers away to nothing.
Since Thanksgiving is a week from tomorrow, I am going to TRY to write one post every day about something I am Thankful for.