Thursday, January 7, 2010


I really don't know what to write this morning. But I don't want to fall out of the habit of blogging.

I really need to pack today. I've been up since 2 am (Thanks, Sam!) I have to get my oil changed and run a few small errands. I will pack, I really will. I mean, it's not like I have a choice. I just work so much better under pressure! I have a huge list of phone calls to make. Do I feel like making them? I feel like sitting here and refreshing my Facebook and Cafemom pages waiting for something worthwhile. (Usually drama...I dont' participate, but I like to be a spectator) My craft room needs to be packed today, darnit!

I've caught myself already wanting to spend too much on stuff for the new house. But I really want to use Dave Ramsey's method for saving money and getting out of debt. So every time I see something I want, I remind myself that I dont' NEED it. And I think of what we can do with the money when we really are debt free. I need to make a budget and stick to it, but I don't know that I can until we are in the new house for a month or so and I have a better handle on what the bills are.  I know I need to be more aware of my spending.

I need to find an outlet for venting. I find myself getting so upset about some things. Usually I just let it fester until I'm ready to blow up. Not so healthy.

Alright, if I dont' get up and start being productive now, it will never happen


  1. I don't have time to read your post this morning but will later. I just HAD to comment that I have RANDOMNESS post in my drafts right now!! I started it yesterday and had to leave before I finished it. When I got back it didn't seem so important anymore so I saved it in drafts rather than publish-that's too funny!

  2. Just read your post, wondered if you go your work done? I am like you, I work well under pressure too. But there are those days when just getting started takes everything in me to get going. Once going, I'm good to go. So here's a "too late" puch, hoping it's done by now.
