Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Soooooo.....(Weight loss)

Well, I am going to try to lose weight. I'm not going to "diet". Rather, Im going to try to watch portion sizes. I will try using smaller plates, and not getting 2nds. And rather than keeping chips on hand for when I get the munchies, I will keep vegies around. Why am I telling you all this? Accountability. Stay with me here....
Plus, I figure if I'm portion controlling rather than dieting, it's safer to continue once we do conceive (whenever that may be)
Starting tomorrow (ha ha, I know, but really, I mean it) I am going to weigh myself twice a week (Sun & Wed) and keep track. I don't know that I will publish it or not though. We will see. I also think I'm going to keep a food journal. I sorta tried to watch what I ate today...And was amazed at how packed with calories some things are. Coffee creamer was an obvious one. But the stuff that I dip cucumbers in (I was having cukes for lunch...healthy, 'eh?) was LOADED with calories. There went all the healthiness. I will have to get used to eating things a little more plain, or finding other ways to add flavor. I'm really hoping that by writing everything down I will have a better handle on how much I take in every day. Plus, maybe I will see trends...If I eat more of something, I lose less, or whatever....
I also really want to get some kind of exercise routine established. It will give me more energy, plus all teh other benefits. And if I start one now, then I will be able to continue it. I'm always saying I want more "me" time, right? Well...then I will get it exercising.
I can do this. I know I can. All I have to do is think about the fact that I want to be around for a long long time (ha ha ha) and what I need to do to get there.
Maybe twice a month I will write in my blog what my weight for that day was. That way there is some accountability, but I'm not feeling defeated every time I don't lose a pound, or if one sneaks up on me.
I'm not going to tell myself that I "cant" have anything...I'm just going to ask myself if it's worth it each time I reach for something. Maybe I'll even print up something saying that and put it on the fridge or the pantry. Because even if my weight isn't the issue for TTC, it will be the issue for something at some point.
I think I'm going to look for a weight loss buddy on cafemom. Unless any of you readers want to do this with me? I might ask one of my daycare moms, I think she would be interested.
Water water water is my friend. With Crystal Light. A girl can only do but so much. I can do this!! Really, I can. And I will.


  1. Hey Steph, before you go crazy with a new eating plan, let me suggest you read Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Sally Fallon and Dr Mary Enig. See if your library has it. It's not a diet book, but a revelation of the lies and half truths we've been taught about food. It will change the way you look at food and what's good or bad. See if the library has it and let me know!

  2. Thanks, Kelly!!!
    It's not a good omen if I step on the brand new scale and it's already broken!

  3. I haven't weighed myself since last July! The battery died in the digital scale and I haven't replaced it!
