Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So, I get up early most mornings to have some time to myself. Some people think I'm nuts, but I really need it. By the time Wyatt goes to bed, I'm exhausted! And I really have found that when I do that, I have a better day. Usually I get up about 5:30. That gives me time to do my morning devotional, along with whatever I need to do on the computer. Now, have I mentioned that I gave up coffee? Yes, yes, sad but true. No need to recoil from your computer screen in horror. (And no, cleaning the screen won't take away the words...not that I tried that or anything) There are a couple of reasons. The first is that, by the time I calculated points, coffee seemed to take up a good bit of my point allowance! Man...that could be a piece of chocolate later in the day. Another reason is that the doctor thinks that will help with the severe PMS I've been getting. (And when I say severe...HA! Noone is safe) And, actually, as I type this...I can tell you that (probably too much info) this cycle really hasn't been bad. I'd been getting cramps so horrific that I would curl up around a heating pad at night and just cry all night long. (And this is after taking meds). Hmmm...that didn't happen this time. Anyway, I digress....There was another good....OH! The whole trying to conceive thing. Not that I think you shouldn't have caffeine when you're pregnant, but, if cutting back increases my chances of conception somehow, then out, damn spot! Er...cup! And then, once the little swimmers and my little eggs do their duty, well, I will probably go back to half-caff. Still makes me shudder, but what can you do? Then I can have TWO cups for the price of one, AND I won't be dieting. Points? We don't need no stinkin' points!

Onto another topic.....I've really been looking at this whole mercury in vaccines and autism connection. It's concerning, to say the least. Wyatt's just about done with vaccines, but I'm still going to be keeping a close eye on it all.

Hey...are you sitting down? Are you ready for this? I've made a decision. Wyatt will go to public school this year. I'm going to be carefully watching things, though. If at the end of the school year I feel he would have done better at home, well...then he will be homeschooled for 1st grade. But we will see how things go. There is a family in our church (well, several actually) and I just see how close they are despite the public schooling. So, I will try it. I just can't believe how well behaved so many of the children in our church are, coupled with how close the teenagers are to their parents. I want that. Gimme! Not that I want teenagers, mind you. But I want that close knit family.

Hmmm...I think I hear the natives stirring. Time to start my day. Without coffee. Yes, yes, feel free to pity me. I will allow it, just this once.

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