Monday, February 15, 2010


Congratulations Nick & Lindsey!!!!

I'm sitting here, waiting for more of that stuff to arrive. That cold, wet, nasty stuff. While I'm waiting, I reviewed my blog on my goals for the year. I really haven't made much change :( However, I am trying. I need to be more disciplined. I did start Weight Watchers yesterday. And, I ate exactly what I needed to stay at my target points. I think now it's so easy to follow WW, because there are SO many recipes out there. There's a lot of pre-made food (muffins, TV dinners) so I can follow it at work too. And I don't feel at all deprived. I even had Starbucks this morning! I started my period yesterday, and had the chocolate I was craving. This really is a very easy diet to follow. If I have a recipe, I plug it into the thing-y online, and it tells me how many points I'm using. I can do this!!! Being forced to keep track of what I eat though, taught me something. I knew I snacked on stuff, but I don't think I realized how much until today. When I cleaned up from the kids' lunch, out of habit, I almost popped a handful of goldfish into my mouth. It's not like I was hungry. It's no wonder I put on all this weight. I didn't realize how much I really ate when I was bored. One thing I can say, is WW will help me to keep my goal of cooking more!

I am hereby making a few new goals for myself (To coincide with my New Years Goals)
~Computer use is only for when Wyatt is sleeping or during quiet time. I have neglected Wyatt far too much to be on this machine.
~When I get bored and want to snack, there is plenty of housework I can do. Or when I'm bored and DONT want to snack, there is still housework I can do, or a little boy to play with.
~By this weekend, I want to have my homemaker's notebook put together. Or at least have made some progress with it.

Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time cleaning my bathroom. It felt so good to make that room nice and relaxing. My Valentines Day gift to myself was a bubble bath, complete with a book and candles. Randy didn't get me anything, but that's no surprise. He's still so new to all this stuff. And, really, he let me take that bath. He does so much for me every day, and that's what's important. Not what big thing he can do once a year, but those little daily things are what mean the most. I love you very much, honey!

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