Saturday, February 13, 2010

Some ramblings

First of all, let me just say.... I AM SO SICK OF SNOW!!!!

OK, now that we got that straight. I worked a shift this week that was non-stop. I actually had to go back in to do a trip sheet because I didn't have time to finish it during my shift. And still, nothing I did made a difference. A couple of nursing home calls, and a working code. I made not one iota of difference, aside from providing comfort. And, for the first time ever, I heard someone (A lady in her 70s) tell me that Prednisone made her feel like she could "lick the world". This is the wisdom being handed down for generations!

I feel better about work. I think I looked to it to solve problems, and, well, that's just not going to happen. I just need to accept it as it is. I am very blessed in the fact that I don't *need* to work outside the home. But it does distract me from things that I think I'm missing out on at home.

I've done a lot of thinking about the whole fertility thing. And a lot of praying. I think that, for now, it's just going to go to the back burner. There are so many other things I'd like to concentrate on. I want to go back and re-read my blog on goals for the New Year. But I know my home needs to be more organized. It's not a big one, so it doesn't take much for the clutter to make you feel like you are getting pushed right back out the door! And I don't want that. I want my home to be peaceful. (Well, as peaceful as possible with the zoo under the roof) And I really want to be selfish for a little while. I want to spend more family time. Randy and I had wanted to do a date night once a month. Even if it turned into a date night in if we couldn't get a sitter, then so be it. Just something so we are doing more than passing each other in the hallway. And I do want to get healthier before we try to take on the fertility process. Both mind and body (No smart comments, please!!!)

I see so many weekend trips we could take. And I want to do that. I really want to get my focus back on my family. I lost that somewhere. Maybe it's under the snow. (Did I mention how sick of snow I am)

Anyway, for my sanity, the fertility stuff will wait. In the meantime, I will pray that it happens naturally. And I feel such a relief over making that decision. Maybe at some point in the next few months, I will get the urge to start, but I need to concentrate on the family I have now. And I need to take care of myself better before I start doing all that stuff to my body.

On a totally different topic....Someone recently told me that she finds my blog inspirational. That meant so much to me. I certainly don't intend for it to be. It's just a way for me to get my ramblings & vents out. I think that speaks to the school of thought that you never know whose life you will affect in any given day. Lindsey is someone we are getting to know better, and I'm happy for it. She is truly a nice person. She and her other half were such a big help in getting us moved in. She reminds me a few years ago. I'm really looking forward to getting to know her better and developing a friendship with her.

2 more weeks and I will be in MD. I"m bummed, cause my Trish works my free day down there, but...what can ya do? I miss her terribly. There is so much lately that I've just felt I needed her to be with me for. She just...I don't know how to explain it. But she puts things into perspective for me. I am really blessed to have her in my life.

Alright, my coffee cup is running low. And this is my last day for coffee, as I've officially signed up for weight watchers. Now I must meal plan. *Sigh*


  1. Don't underestimate the power of the comfort that you are able to provide on your calls!

    I'm amazed almost every time I read your blog-as it sounds like me and my life and what we're going thru here. I could copy and paste your posts to my blog. LOL I'd have to edit out the snow parts...

    Have I suggested that you read Eat Fat, Lose Fat? look into it. Read my posts labeled adrenal fatigue and see if that sounds like you.

  2. almost made me cry! I'm so glad that we met and we are friends :)I remind you of you? Wow...what a compliment! ;)
