Saturday, February 6, 2010

Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland

Snow, snow everywhere! Wyatt woke up begging to go out. He made it down the front steps, and he was begging to come back in. Mocha, on the other hand, literally LEAPT for joy out there. Which did my heart good, as she hasn't been very playful with everything going on. Then...wonder of wonders....she came inside and ate for the first time since Sam died. Oh, it makes me feel so good to see it!

So, on the list for today....Get laundry done, get our room all put away, and organize the kitchen. Tomorrow I want to tackle Wyatt's room and my craft room. I should probably, some time today, shovel our insanely long driveway so my husband can come home tomorrow. And I have to go to work, too. For now, though, there is coffee to be drunk. And drink it I will!

Is it Spring yet?

1 comment:

  1. I don't envy ya one bit with all that snow! I don't think I was made for that kind of weather. To me snow is something that falls occassionally and looks pretty for 1-3 days and then melts. Not something that should be shoveled and dealt with on a daily basis! Stay warm and dry and happy unpacking!
